Tuesday, October 10, 2006

My First Enhanced Podcast

Listen to a podcast of this post, thanks to Talkr

Self-assessment time. I completed my first enhanced podcast for ENG506 recently, and I must say I don't think I completely grasped the concept. I was thinking more along the lines of an iMovie: I put more importance on the pictures in my podcast and less on the audio. Proportionally speaking, I would say I spent 3/4 of the time I worked on the podcast tracking down pictures and making sure they synched up properly, and only about 1/4 of the time on the actual audio.

Somewhere in the transfer between my home computer and the computer at school, I lost one of my audio tracks ("Learning is a lifelong process... now more than ever.") However, the picture I had placed at that point in the podcast had the words Learning is a Lifelong Process on it, so I thought "no big deal." In hindsight, I realized that someone who was simply listening to the podcast would not have access to the picture and would just be hearing dead space... just like he/she would for the other portions of the podcast where I had no audio. But that "Learning is a Lifelong Process" slide was one of the key parts of my entire project, so having no audio there was devastating.

All in all, I don't think I did a horrible job on the project, but I think I could have done a much, much better job had I completely comprehended that this was, in fact, a podcast, not a slideshow.

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