Friday, October 13, 2006

For Your Enjoyment: Sample iMovie

Listen to a podcast of this post, thanks to Talkr

When my host teacher for observation found out we are learning about iMovie, he shared with me his enjoyment the program, as well as a few sample movies he has created. Here's one he created during his classes' silent reading day, "Silent Reading Action Movie!":

The footage was taken on some sort of spirit/costume day at the school, which would explain (for example) the fact that there is a Twinkee walking around at random points in the movie.

Anyway, pretty cool, huh? He didn't tell me how long it took him to edit the footage into the movie, but I don't think it took him too overly long. As for tips, he shared with me a couple basic ones:

-the montage is always a cool effect (the books closing at the tone of the bell)
-have a visual effect which recurs intermittently during the story (in this video, the zooming in on some of the faces; in a more personal family movie he showed me, shots of his baby interspersed within the main story)

He said more, but it escapes me at this time. Dang it. Hope you enjoyed the Silent Reading Action Movie, and wish me luck as I begin working on my own this weekend!

1 comment:

KatieL said...

I loved Mike Levy's movie! What a great idea, does he have a website that he will post the movie to? I loved the music and the fact that some of the kids were wearing costumes. The Twinkee makes for great footage. (Random thought: it's too bad The Vagina Monologues aren't this semester I'd love to do a movie montage of rehearsals and performances.)After seeing his movie, I'm assured that we can all make great pieces. And they can be as simple as students reading. Thanks for the link! What kinds of things are doing with his students?