Monday, November 13, 2006

iMovie on YouTube

My super-long, poorly edited iMovie is now up on YouTube:

The interviews are what take up the bulk of the length, but I didn't want to cut out anything anyone said, because the variety of people and the passion they show are what really makes the hobby interesting.

Technically, videos are supposed to be under ten minutes on YouTube. Since mine is nearly twice that(!!), it may be subject to removal or truncation or whatever YouTube does to violating videos. For all I know, the bigwigs at Google might come to my door and break my legs.

So, anyway, view it while you can, and let me know what you think about my film-making ability. Oh, and remember I'll be showing it in class tomorrow night as well -- so, for those of you who will be there, don't watch it here unless you want to be bored twice.


Dave E. said...

Yup, removed due to "terms of use" violation. Crummy.

Anonymous said...

Too bad, darn!! One thing though we should keep in mind that just as in a writing assignment, more would not necessarily be better, good editing can turn a good video into a very good video.

Crispness and showcasing -- editing -- can make all the difference.

But you've got a sucker of an audience clamoring for "more Dave," so what can I say!

rayhedrick said...

I don't understand why YouTube would take a video off for it's length? Is it because of the actual size of the file? Maybe it would slow down the entire website? Hmmm...

rayhedrick said...

and when I say it's length... what I really meant was: its length

Dave E. said...

Nope, the file met size requirements (the limit is 10MB, mine is something like 8.7MB), but it also says the video has to be under 10 minutes... d'oh.

Anonymous said...

I thought your movie was terrific. You could continue to "produce" this video. I think Current TV would definitely consider putting it up. Why don't you try?